In my last post I used a Ruby based device simulator publishing MQTT messages to IBM IoT Cloud. In the meantime I realized that the same can be easily achieved using Node-RED tool.
Here is how.
Create a directory for Node-REDn and enter it.
mkdir Node-RED && cd Node-RED
Install Node.js if you do not have it already installed.
Install Node-RED tool and several useful additional components.
npm install node-red node-red-contrib-async node-red-ibmiotpush node-red-iotcloudapp node-red-iotclouddev node-red-node-cf-cloudant node-red-node-sqlite node-red-node-suncalc node-red-node-twilio
Start the Node-RED server
node node_modules/node-red/red.js
Open a browser and point it to the server URL:
And copy the following text into clipboard.
[{"id":"115fc1f5.eea03e","type":"mqtt-broker","broker":"","port":"1883","clientid":"d:kbrhh:sensor-type:863835454201"},{"id":"3ffdf51f.c0020a","type":"inject","name":"Send message","topic":"iot-2/evt/event1/fmt/json","payload":"Test","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":165.5454559326172,"y":119.27274560928345,"z":"e406d10.f1bf93","wires":[["d189022.f2e77"]]},{"id":"6dd6373c.9229c8","type":"debug","name":"Show message","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":675,"y":122,"z":"e406d10.f1bf93","wires":[]},{"id":"b6d7d519.492828","type":"mqtt out","name":"MQTT Publisher","topic":"iot-2/evt/event1/fmt/json","broker":"115fc1f5.eea03e","x":680,"y":313.6363868713379,"z":"e406d10.f1bf93","wires":[]},{"id":"d189022.f2e77","type":"function","name":"Enhancer 2","func":"var temp = context.temp || 37;\nvar pulse = context.pulse || 89;\n\n\ntemp = temp + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 - 1);\npulse = pulse + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 - 1);\n\ncontext.temp = temp;\ncontext.pulse = pulse;\n\nmsg.payload = { \"temp\": temp, \"pulse\": pulse, \"timestamp\": msg.payload };\n\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"x":413,"y":222,"z":"e406d10.f1bf93","wires":[["6dd6373c.9229c8","b6d7d519.492828"]]}]
Now just modify the „MQTT Publisher“ properties and you are ready to go!
Press the pad next to Send message node and it should fire an event to IoT! You can modify Send message node parameters to periodically send a message without the need to press the pad…
(Assumed that you have created accounts and registered a device as described in the previous post.)
Edited 7.8.2014:
Topic in the Node-RED flow changed to correct:
Otherwise payload is not recognized as JSON format and cannot be stored in DB in a parsabe way…